Neue jüdische Kammerphilharmonie
2024-02-23 - Semper Magazin
For whom and what for?
Michael Hurshell’s article on the upcoming world premiere of Detlev Glanert’s “Die Jüdin von Toledo” at the Dresden Semperoper
Michael Hurshell’s article on the upcoming world premiere of Detlev Glanert’s “Die Jüdin von Toledo” at the Dresden Semperoper
In the dossier „Jews and Culture” (published by the Arts Council, Berlin) Michael Hurshell reflects upon the persecuted Jewish composers who fled to Hollywood and established the “Golden Age of the Soundtrack.”
Michael Hurshell on the orchestra’s work on the concert stage and in schools
In this English language Jewish quarterly, Michael Hurshell describes the work and the aims of the NJK.